Kaae Road in Wailuku, Maui is on the ocean side (Makai) just past Paukukalo and the popular surf spot: ‘Big Lefts’. This property is 1.278 acres, zoned R-3, and has an older modest home on it. The Seller informs me that the hill of this property provides incredible ocean views and in the olden days, there were Hawaiian Fish Ponds nearby. County land and open space abuts the back side of the property. A very short distance is the ocean front and I have seen a few surfers going out for their ocean joy there. An architect created his rendering of the potential this property may offer of 3 lots of over 10,000 sf each and the potential for a house and ohana on each lot. One would need to do their own diligence to confirm what can and cannot be done at this property. It is a Special Management Area (SMA) and the architect informs that improving this property would probably need to occur over time. Here is a link of some SMA Information: http://www.co.maui.hi.us/index.aspx?NID=1245 If you would like to have a showing of this property and/or see the rendering, see my contact info. at my home page of FindMauiProperty.com.
648 Kaae Rd., Wailuku, Maui, HI 96793, Listed at 775K, A Unique Maui Property
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