Maui County Approval To Larger Secondary Farm Dwellings

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County Council gives final approval to larger farm dwellings, expanded circuit breaker program

Via Maui Now:

“Maui County Council members approved on second-and-final reading Friday a bill to permit a 500-square-foot increase in the size of secondary farm dwellings in agricultural districts on Maui and Lānaʻi.

Bill 71 had already been extensively discussed May 15 during a meeting of the Council’s Housing and Land Use Committee. The measure will not change the allowable size of a secondary farm dwelling on Molokaʻi.

Currently, on 2-acre agricultural lots, the Maui County Code allows a 7,712-square-foot main farm dwelling and a 1,000-square-foot second dwelling, according to the Department of Planning. The proposed amendment would permit a 7,212-square-foot main house and a 1,500-square-foot secondary dwelling.”

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