Maui Unemployment Down to 4.2% March 2022

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“The Maui News

Maui County’s unemployment rate in March was 4.3 percent, down from 8 percent at the same time last year as the local economy continues to recover from the pandemic.

Unemployment on Maui island was 4.2 percent, down from 8.2 percent in March 2021, according to state Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism data released Thursday. However, unemployment increased on Molokai, where the rate was 7.1 percent (up from 4.2 percent in March 2021) and on Lanai, where the rate was 5 percent (up from 3.1 percent in March 2021).

Kauai County continued to lead the state with a jobless rate of 4.6 percent, followed by Hawaii County at 3.3 percent and Honolulu County at 3.2 percent.

Statewide, unemployment was 3.5 percent in March, near equal to the national unemployment rate of 3.8 percent.

The numbers were not seasonally adjusted, meaning they did not take into account the hiring and layoff patterns that go along with the winter holiday and summer vacation seasons.

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 4.1 percent for Hawaii and 3.6 percent for the U.S. Seasonally adjusted numbers were not available for the counties.

In March, Hawaii had a total labor force of 672,600, with 644,900 employed and 27,650 unemployed. A year ago in March 2021, there were fewer people in the workforce at 662,900, with 618,850 employed and 44,050 unemployed.”

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