Preparing your property to show best and gain higher Offers

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Often with my listings, my clients and I will work together to have the property show best which brings higher offers and a faster sale.   Maybe it’s rearranging the furniture, removing items, having everything squeaky clean and smelling good, curb appeal, and staging that I often do for free for my clients.   Remodeling projects, of course, often bring a great return.   But if that is not in the budget, there is still plenty that can be done to have that wow factor.

#JaimieBrownMauiRealtor #MauiRealtor #MauiRealEstate #FindMauiProperty

Should I Update My House Before I Sell It?

Should I Update My House Before I Sell It? [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights

  • If you’re deciding whether you should make updates before you sell your house, lean on your agent to be your guide.
  • If the market is flooded with houses for sale, updates may be necessary for your house to stand out. In our current sellers’ market, the added expenses might not be worth it.
  • Let’s connect so you have expert advice on which updates are important in today’s market.
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